Monday, April 16, 2007

5 Day Drug Test Cleansing Plan

After personal experience and much research we have created a 5 day plan to clean your body out before a drug test. This plan has been used successfully many times before for standard urine testing. Other test, including blood and saliva test, are much harder to get around. Also, this plan is optimized for a middle aged or younger adult in decent physical condition.

Day 1
-Drink 20 ounces of natural cranberry juice.
-Run about 2 miles -or- do another type of moderate exercise.

Day 2
-Drink 20 ounces of natural cranberry juice.
-Run about 2 miles -or- do another type of moderate exercise.

Day 3
-Drink 20 ounces of natural cranberry juice.
-Run about 2 miles -or- do another type of moderate exercise.

Day 4
-Drink 1/4 gallon of natural cranberry juice.
-Run about 2 miles -or- do another type of moderate exercise.

Day 5 (Day of test)
-Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of natural cranberry juice very frequently up to right before you take the test.

6 Hours Before:
-Take vitamin B-2 or B-12 (This in not required but can help remove suspicions due to the fact that vitamin B-2 and B12 makes your urine yellow).

3 Hours Before:
-Take a half shot of pure white vinegar (It will not taste good, but does work).

90 Minutes Before:
-Take another half shot of pure white vinegar.

Some other things to consider:

-On the day of the test DO NOT do hard physical exercise.
-On the day of the test make sure you wake up at least 6 hours before you go to the test.
-On the day of the test you want to urinate as much as possible so you can completely clean your system out.
-Some drug testing facilities test the pH level of your urine, so diluting it by drinking lots of water does not always work.
-When you are urinating during the test, make sure that you urinate a little into the toilet and then in the cup. This is because the first part of your urine is always the most dirty.
-The only way to completely guarantee passing a drug test is by not doing drugs in the first place.

*Please note that the writers of this blog are not doctors or scientist. This 5 day plan is based on experience and other research. The writers of this blog can not 100% guarantee that you will pass . This plan was created to pass a urine test and was not designed for blood, saliva, or other types of testing. This plan is also assuming that you stop taking drugs at least 5 days before you take the test.

We hope you enjoyed our blog! If you have any suggestions, stories, or comments, please leave us a message!